The infinite banking concept allows individuals to establish their own personal banking system using a properly structured Whole Life insurance policy from a mutual insurance company. Mutual insurance companies, owned by their policyholders, offer guaranteed growth rates of 2-3% and non-guaranteed yearly dividends. In today’s low-interest rate environment, the long-term internal growth rate is approximately 4.5%, but this could increase if interest rates rise.
Dividends can be reinvested into the policy, enhancing the guaranteed cash value and future dividends. The savings component of a Whole Life policy is tax-free as long as the policy remains active until a death claim is paid. Policyholders can use their Whole Life cash value throughout their life and can withdraw their contributions tax-free. However, to access the excess growth tax-free, it must be borrowed instead of withdrawn, allowing the compounding of safe and liquid assets to continue, a crucial aspect of the infinite banking concept.
Funds borrowed can be used to cover major expenses, emergencies, and other investment opportunities without interrupting the compounding process. In essence, a properly structured Whole Life insurance policy from a mutual insurance company can operate similarly to a bank, with both savings and lending capabilities. The key to successful infinite banking with a Whole Life insurance policy is the compounding effect, as borrowing against the policy allows the cash value to continue compounding while still being used for other expenses or investments.
Key Takeaways:
- The infinite banking concept allows individuals to create personal banking systems using Whole Life insurance policies from mutual insurance companies, which offer guaranteed growth rates and non-guaranteed annual dividends due to being owned by policyholders.
- The dividends from these policies can be reinvested, increasing the guaranteed cash value and future dividends, and the savings component of these policies is tax-free, with policyholders able to withdraw their contributions tax-free and borrow against the excess growth to maintain the compounding of assets.
- A properly structured Whole Life insurance policy from a mutual insurance company can function similarly to a bank, offering both savings and lending capabilities, with the compounding effect being key to successful infinite banking as it allows the cash value to continue compounding while being used for other expenditures or investments.
“The infinite banking concept can be successfully implemented using a properly structured Whole Life insurance policy from a mutual insurance company. Unlike banks, these companies offer guaranteed growth rates between 2-3%, along with non-guaranteed annual dividends, as they are owned by their policyholders. The long-term internal growth rate is around 4.5% in today’s low-interest rate environment.”
More details: here
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